Upleveling Habits in Person - 3 Takeaways from a Retreat
Changing habits can be challenging, or empowering. Or both. Last week, I had the opportunity to attend an amazing event in person with a group of fabulous coaches and I had some major takeaways.
Changing habits is tough on your own--but can be empowering when you are in the room with those that challenge you, inspire you, and push you from the safety net you are used to holding. We are creatures of habit--and we tend to do things the same way, over and over. And when we decide to step up, big things happen.
Listen to this episode as we continue on our ‘Habit Audit’ theme for September as I share 3 big tips to making changes.
The magic happens when you connect IN PERSON.
Check out our retreat link for our upcoming retreats: www.cufitnessretreats.com
The Ultimate Journey of Self Care is proud to be partners with ‘Flat River Infusions’.
A NC hemp company that manufactures all natural products.
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